President: Mr. Bernard Jenkin MP
Chairman: Mr. Mark Colclough
Vice President Spaniels: Mr. Ron Loomes
Vice President Retrievers: Mr. Tony Parnell
Vice Chairman Spaniels: Mr. Mark Colclough
Retrievers Secretary:
Mrs. Katie Fraser
The Old Post Office, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 0HW
Hon. Gen. Secretary:
Ms. Sue Hines
4 Grove Gardens, Fordham, Ely, Cambs. CB7 5ZL
Hon. Treasurer / Field Trial Spaniels Secretary:
Mrs. Francess Colclough
Church Farm Lodge, Kenny Hill, Mildenhall, Suffolk. IP288DU
Delegate to Field Trial Council: Ms. Christine Bridgewater
The Essex Field Trial Society started in 1950 and able to run 10 trials a year for both Retrievers and Spaniels.
These trials consist of:
a 2 day Open Qualifier Stake for Retrievers
a 1 day Open Stake for Cocker Spaniels
a 1 day Open Stake for Springer Spaniels
as well as Novice Stakes for Retrievers and Spaniels.
Retrievers Secretary
The Old Post Office, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 0HW
Vice President Spaniels